
Sunday, August 25, 2024

Friends of Microsoft Teams - Week 34 - 2024 (August 19 - August 25)

Hello Friend of Microsoft Teams,

Find below a list of public posts and updates on Microsoft Teams (and Microsoft 365) that have been published in Week 34 of 2024, August 19 – August 25.

Feel free to share with your partners, customers, colleagues, and peers.


What's New in Microsoft Teams (and Microsoft 365):

Field Advisories:





M365 Message Center :



  • Microsoft Teams – new message center posts:



[Reminder] Microsoft Teams: Review and update Tenant Federation setting to block external access with trial-only tenants MC870997 Published Aug 23, 2024

As communicated in MC805200 Microsoft Teams: Tenant Federation setting to control external access with trial-only tenants (June 2024), we introduced a new admin control to enable you to block external access (federation) with Teams trial-only tenants. Some malicious actors have used free Teams trials to launch phishing or abuse attacks against Teams users. With this setting you can add another layer of protection for users against some of these attacks.

Between June 2024 and August 2024, we provided a 45-day window to allow you to review and update the setting before enforcement began. Now, by default, this new setting will block external access with trial-only tenants and requires explicit action from you to continue to federate with trial tenants.

General Availability (Worldwide): Available now. Blocking or allowing external access with trial-only tenants with this setting was enabled August 15, 2024. If you missed MC805200, you can still manage the setting for your organization at any time.


Microsoft Teams | Shifts app: Users must enable reminders for upcoming shifts and clocking in/out (Android users) MC868914 Published Aug 22, 2024

This message applies to frontline workers and managers using Android devices. if you are not using Android devices and frontline worker functionality, you can ignore this message.

Effective immediately for the Microsoft Teams Shifts app on Android devices: To continue receiving reminders for upcoming shifts and clock in/clock out, all Android users (managers and workers) must enable reminders in their device's operating system. This change is due to Google's changes to Android's API 34.



  • Microsoft Teams – updated message center posts:



(Updated) Microsoft Teams: Digital signage on Teams Rooms on Windows MC862235 Published Aug 14, 2024

(Updated) Microsoft Teams: Expanded search options for 1:1 chats MC853236 Published Aug 6, 2024

(Updated) Microsoft Teams Rooms on Windows: Native PTZ controls MC856756 Published Aug 9, 2024

(Updated) Microsoft Teams: New Cross-location shifts in the Shifts app MC800503 Published Jun 10, 2024

(Updated) Teams admin center: App centric management and changes to app permission policies MC688930 Published Nov 11, 2023

(Updated) Microsoft Teams: Integrate Chat notification with Meeting RSVP status MC704035 Published Jan 5, 2024

(Updated) Microsoft Teams: New skin tone settings and reactions MC809602 Published Jul 8, 2024

(Updated) Microsoft Teams: Changes to in-app feedback experience and feedback policy (Teams Desktop and Teams for web) MC790791 Published May 6, 2024

Planned Maintenance: Automatic updates for Teams Rooms on Android and Teams Phones impacted by retirement of CNS Service MC810172 Published Jul 10, 2024

(Updated) Microsoft Teams: Access Workflows from the three-dot menu on shared file MC750668 Published Mar 21, 2024

(Updated) Microsoft Teams: New file image previews in messages MC790792 Published May 6, 2024

(Updated) Microsoft Teams: Office 365 Connectors feature retires starting August 15, 2024 MC808160 Published Jul 3, 2024



  • Microsoft Viva – new message center posts:



Microsoft Viva: Stream Playlist card on Viva Connections Dashboard MC869937 Published Aug 22, 2024

This feature update helps organizations add a Stream Playlist card on Viva Connections Dashboard. The card will show the videos from a playlist that the end user can quickly view from the dashboard.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 402190.

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DoD): We begin rolling out mid-August 2024 and expect to complete by late-August 2024.


Microsoft Viva Engage: Mute user for network MC869926 Published Aug 22, 2024

Starting in early September 2024, customers will see a new setting in the Microsoft Viva Engage admin center to mute users across their networks. Muting a user removes new posts from that user from the Home feed, Storylines feed, and all email digests.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 396168.

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out early September 2024 and expect to complete by late October 2024.                                                                                                                                       


Update to Viva Learning - SAP SuccessFactors integration configuration process MC868915 Published Aug 22, 2024

We are updating the Admin experience for our new Viva Learning – SuccessFactors integration set-up experience. We are planning to upgrade all existing customers to the new experience by September 2024,

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out in late August 2024 and expect to complete by mid-September 2024.


Microsoft Viva: Viva Amplify - Copy a publication within a campaign MC868912 Published Aug 22, 2024

Currently, Viva Amplify users have no easy way to reuse content that has previously been published in a campaign and often must copy and paste content from one publication to the next manually. Coming soon, a Viva Amplify user will be able to reuse content by copying an existing publication using a centralized ‘Save copy’ button available on any given campaign publication. This new feature streamlines the content creation process and maximizes efficiency for all communicators.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 409234

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out late September 2024 and expect to complete by early October 2024.


Unlock success with our New Campaign Goals Feature: Set, Track, Achieve! MC868909 Published Aug 22, 2024

The campaign goals feature allows you to set specific goals for your campaigns and track progress towards completion. With campaign goals, you can now easily monitor how well your campaign is performing and make data-driven decisions to achieve your desired outcomes.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 409233

General Availability: We will begin rolling out late August 2024 and expect to complete by late September 2024.


Microsoft Viva Engage: Private unlisted groups in external networks will retire and be deleted in January 2025 MC867664 Published Aug 20, 2024

To enhance the security and compliance of Viva Engage, we will be retiring all private unlisted groups (also known as "Secret Groups") on January 13, 2025. These groups and all associated data will be deleted on February 10, 2025.


Microsoft Viva Amplify: New banner web part and updated title area MC867653 Published Aug 20, 2024

Coming soon to Microsoft Viva Amplify: Improvements to the title area at the top of a publication.

The title area is now a full-width section containing the new Banner web part with new layouts.

The first banner at the top of the publication (in the full-width section) acts as a title and is automatically synchronized to the publication Title on the command bar at the top of the screen. Additional banners can be added to the publication content in the available columns.

Users will be able to remove the title area, which is no longer mandatory on a publication.

Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out mid-August 2024 and expect to complete by early September 2024.

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out late August 2024 mid-September 2024.


Viva Amplify: Reports displaying count and percentage MC866446 Published Aug 19, 2024

The default calculation of the audience size, both in the aggregate campaign report and for individual publication reports, has been updated to account for scenarios in which a publication has been sent to an endpoint that is open to all members of an organization. Such publishing scenarios often result in very large audiences, which in turn may cause the denominator in the percentage of Unique Viewers calculation to be confusing to users, even though correct.

In cases where an audience is not explicitly defined and is simply “open to all”, the new Amplify reports will show the count rather than the percentage to provide the user a more comprehensible data point at first glance.

Example: The total audience is calculated by summing up the members of the groups with rights to see the published item. The user count is obtained by adding the Microsoft Entra ID users with permissions to the published item. This can result in a very large audience which in turn may cause the percentage of unique viewers to appear a very small tenth or hundredth of a percentage point. If 2.4K or 7.3K people of the impacted organization have viewed the publication, a campaign owner or author might naturally expect to see a report indicating they have reached ~30% of their audience. But because the publication was shared beyond the impacted business group, as a general interest story to the company’s intranet, the actual potential audience (everyone with permission to see the publication) is now 521,000 employees worldwide, resulting in the report displaying 0.5% unique viewers. This is not incorrect, but also not particularly meaningful.  

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 407862

General Availability (Worldwide): Gradually rolling out to everyone from 8/28.


Viva Amplify: Reactions card MC866444 Published Aug 19, 2024

Readers' reactions to publication are tracked and presented in a new visual card, that provides the campaign members to select a time horizon in order to get a more detailed view into how readers are reacting to the content.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 407862

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out late August 2024 and expect to complete by late September 2024.


Viva Amplify: UTC toggle MC866443 Published Aug 19, 2024

Often the time zone where a publication is sent from and those of the target audience don’t match. And in many cases different audiences each reside in different time zones, making the data a bit complicated for campaign members to digest.

The ability to toggle between the user’s local time and a standardized time zone, UTC, helps the user ensure they are comparing and understanding things in the same way as their colleagues.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 407862

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out late August 2024 and expect to complete by late September 2024.


Viva Amplify: User signals Graphs MC866441 Published Aug 19, 2024

Amplify Reports and Analytics has introduced new data visualizations in the form of line graphs for both unique viewers and promotions.

Both the Unique Viewer count, and the Promotions count now provide historical data that can look back up to 12 months.

Furthermore, the graphs allow for further breakdown of the information by publishing endpoint and allow the user to include or exclude endpoints from the graph

The new “Copy as image” functionality allows the user to easily copy the card, and it graph to reuse in a document or email.  

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 407862

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out late August 2024 and expect to complete by late September 2024.


Viva Amplify: Export report data MC866440 Published Aug 19, 2024

Exporting data from Viva Amplify reports is available in three different ways.

  • Copy as image allows for a single card and its graphical content to be copied to the local clipboard.
  • Export to CSV provides a complete export of all the data in the form of a .CSV file downloaded to the local machine.
  • Export to PowerPoint generates a PowerPoint document containing a slide for each card in the report and downloaded to the local machine.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 407862

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out late August 2024 and expect to complete by late September 2024.



  • Microsoft Viva – updated message center posts:






For the latest information/updates you can always check these resources :



Disclaimer :

If others are interested to receive these “Friends of” messages directly from me, they can always share their contact details with me.

Or if you/they no longer want to receive these “Friends of” emails, just reply per email and I will remove you from this “Friends of” DL


Kind Regards/Vriendelijke groeten/Med vänlig hälsning/Salutations,

Mattias Kressmark

Disclaimer :

The content of this communication and its attachments (if any) is for general information purposes only and does not under any circumstance constitute a binding offer or acceptance of Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited, Microsoft NV/SA or any other Microsoft Group affiliate, unless this is expressly stated in a separate document executed by a person with sufficient powers to do so. The content shall not be considered to supplement or amend the terms of any existing agreement with Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited, Microsoft NV/SA or any other Microsoft Group affiliate. Furthermore you are reminded that the content is solely based on the limited information provided to us at the time of this communication and it will be subject to possible changes occurring hereafter.

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