
Sunday, July 21, 2024

Friends of Microsoft Teams - Week 29 - 2024 (July 15 - July 21)

Hello Friend of Microsoft Teams,

Find below a list of public posts and updates on Microsoft Teams (and Microsoft 365) that have been published in Week 29 of 2024, July 15 – July 21.

Feel free to share with your partners, customers, colleagues, and peers.


What's New in Microsoft Teams (and Microsoft 365):

Field Advisories:




M365 Message Center :



  • Microsoft Teams – new message center posts:


Microsoft Teams: External USB Webcams are now supported in Teams meetings MC822724 Published Jul 19, 2024

With the release of Apple iPadOS 17, Microsoft Teams will now support external webcams and cameras in meetings and calls on Apple iPads.  Simply connect your external webcam and camera to your Apple iPad.

General Availability (Worldwide, DoD): We will begin rolling out late June 2024 and expect to complete by early July 2024.


Microsoft Teams: Hide presenters, translators, moderators or staff from webinar event page MC822723 Published Jul 19, 2024

Before this rollout, all presenters added to a Microsoft Teams webinar were displayed on the event page. Coming soon to Teams: webinar organizers will be able to add individuals to the webinar and give them presenter privileges—to join the green room, manage what attendees see, turn their camera on or off, and moderate the event—without including the individuals on the event page as presenters. This feature will allow webinar organizers to support roles like live translators, event moderators, and staff who are not presenting. This message applies to Teams on Windows and the web.

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC): We will begin rolling out early August 2024 and expect to complete by early September 2024.


Microsoft Teams: Multiple camera view for Teams Rooms on Windows MC818885 Published Jul 18, 2024

Microsoft Teams Rooms on Windows will be soon able to send up to four single-stream USB camera feeds to render on the receiver side, so remote meeting participants can view all cameras simultaneously. This opt-in feature requires admins to first enable the multiple camera view and map cameras to the desired order that will be displayed on the receiver side. With multiple camera view enabled, remote meeting participants will be able to follow all the action in the room and manually switch to the desired room. This message applies to Teams for Desktop (Windows, Mac).

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 402517.

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out mid-September 2024 and expect to complete by late September 2024.

General Availability (GCC, GCCH, DoD): We will begin rolling out in mid-October 2024 and expect to complete by late October 2024.


Microsoft Teams: Bidirectional Support for Teams Live Interpretation MC816179 Published Jul 17, 2024

With bidirectional support in Teams Live Interpretation, interpreters can now switch the translation direction between two languages by clicking on the button of the language they want to interpret into at the bottom of the screen. The highlighted language button will be the language the interpreter is translating into and attendees hear.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 403103.

Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out early August 2024 and expect to complete by mid-August 2024.

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC): We will begin rolling out mid-August 2024 and expect to complete by late August 2024.

General Availability (GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out late September 2024 and expect to complete by early October 2024.


Microsoft Teams: Video tile re-sizing based on people count for Teams Rooms on Windows MC814587 Published Jul 16, 2024

In Gallery view for Microsoft Teams meetings, a room video is optimized and larger in size to increase visibility of participants that are in a Teams Room. With this update, the room video tile will dynamically re-size based on people count to ensure adequate and equitable space is allocated in Gallery view. If there is only one participant in the room, the video tile will be the same size as another remote participant tile. If there is more than one participant in the room, the room video tile will remain optimized, at 4x the size of a remote participant. To determine the people count in rooms, Cloud IntelliFrame must be enabled or there must be a room camera that is capable of sending people count via Accessory Signaling Protocol (ASP).

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 400706.

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out mid-August 2024 and expect to complete by end of August 2024.


Microsoft Teams: Ability to rename General channel MC814583 Published Jul 16, 2024

Based on customer feedback, we are introducing the ability to provide a meaningful name to the General channel in a new or existing team. The General channel can be renamed by the team owners to show up in the teams' and channels' list of all members in alphabetical order.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 395931

Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out early August 2024 and expect to complete by mid-August 2024.

General Availability

Worldwide: We will begin rolling out mid-August 2024 and expect to complete by late August 2024.

GCC: We will begin rolling out early September 2024 and expect to complete by mid-September 2024.

GCC High: We will begin rolling out mid-September 2024 and expect to complete by late September 2024.

DoD: We will begin rolling out mid-September 2024 and expect to complete by late September 2024.


Microsoft Teams: Roster grouping for in-room participants through Proximity Join for Teams Rooms on Windows MC814577 Published Jul 16, 2024

When joining a meeting in Teams Room on Windows with a companion device (laptop or mobile), in-room participants will be grouped under the room node. Participants must join through Proximity Join. This update includes additional UI elements to create visual clarity of the in-room participants who are together.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 400702

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out mid-August 2024 and expect to complete by end of August 2024.

General Availability (GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out mid-September 2024 and expect to complete roll-out by end of September 2024.


Microsoft Teams: Legal hold and eDiscovery support for webinars and town halls MC814576 Published Jul 16, 2024

Before this rollout, compliance admins can place Microsoft Purview eDiscovery legal holds on Microsoft Teams webinar and town hall data using Team's ability to target SharePoint locations where Teams content is housed. Due to heightened security requirements and the need for specialized compliance support, we are moving legal holds in Teams from the SharePoint integration to a more direct integration with Purview.

The more direct integration of Teams legal holds with Purview will begin July 31, 2024. Legal holds through SharePoint will not apply to any new Teams webinars or town hall meetings created after July 31, 2024, because newly created Teams town hall and webinar data will not reside in SharePoint. Legal holds on events created before July 31, 2024 will continue to work through SharePoint. Full support for Purview eDiscovery legal holds is anticipated by early 2025. Purview eDiscovery will continue to work for all events, even after July 31, 2025. Only eDiscovery legal hold will be affected by this integration.



  • Microsoft Teams – updated message center posts:






  • Microsoft Viva – new message center posts:



Changes to Topics in Viva Engage MC823308 Published Jul 19, 2024

In February 2024 the retirement of Viva Topics (Changes coming to Topics) was announced. As part of that change, Viva Engage will return to a simplified topics model, called Engage topics, and the integration with Viva Topics will be retired.

The following premium Viva Topics experiences and lightweight topics management experiences will no longer be available in Viva Engage, including:

  • Viewing Viva Topics card when hovering on a topic
  • Viewing or using AI-discovered Viva Topics
  • Links to Viva Topics pages
  • Topic management via Viva Topics or lightweight topics management
  • Featuring of topics in Answers

Using Engage topics, users will continue to be able to create topics, add topics to posts, follow topics, edit topics they created, and increase the relevance of their feeds by following topics. Topic creators will gain the ability to delete topics they created. Applicable admins will continue to be able to edit topics and will gain the ability to delete topics within Viva Engage.

Organizations using Answers in Viva (Answers in Viva: Introduction) will continue to see additional topic capabilities including bulk topic deletion for admins, AI suggested topics for questions, topics promoted for following, and topic browse experiences. The described topic experiences will be available to Viva Engage tenants that have been migrated to Engage topics.

Rollout will begin August 2024 and will complete for all tenants migrated to use Viva Topics in Viva Engage by April 2025. Tenants using legacy topics in Viva Engage will begin migrations in September 2024 and migrations will continue until all Native mode networks have been completed.


Headspace will no longer be available through Viva Insights MC823285 Published Jul 19, 2024

The Headspace experience is currently not functioning in Viva Insights. Headspace and all of its content will be removed from Viva Insights. All Headspace entry points and experiences within Viva Insights Home, Virtual Commute, Focus Mode, and Wellbeing Tabs will no longer be accessible and removed effective July 25th, 2024. 

Viva Insights will remove all Headspace content within Viva Insights to users starting July 25th, 2024. 


Microsoft Viva Pulse: Updates to Privacy controls MC816195 Published Jul 17, 2024

Before this rollout, Microsoft Viva Pulse admins can configure the Minimum number of responses required to see feedback in the Viva Pulse app under the Manage tab. This control is used to determine the minimum number of recipients a Pulse author needs to send their request to and how many responses must be received for a report to be created and provided to the author.

Coming soon: A new Minimum number of recipients control will allow admins to separately manage the minimum number of recipients and minimum number of responses required, for more granular control. Both are required, and the minimum number of recipients must always be equal to or greater than the minimum number of responses required.

General Availability: We will begin rolling out mid-August 2024 and expect to complete by late August 2024.


  • Microsoft Viva – updated message center posts:




For the latest information/updates you can always check these resources :



Disclaimer :

If others are interested to receive these “Friends of” messages directly from me, they can always share their contact details with me.

Or if you/they no longer want to receive these “Friends of” emails, just reply per email and I will remove you from this “Friends of” DL


Kind Regards/Vriendelijke groeten/Med vänlig hälsning/Salutations,

Mattias Kressmark

Disclaimer :

The content of this communication and its attachments (if any) is for general information purposes only and does not under any circumstance constitute a binding offer or acceptance of Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited, Microsoft NV/SA or any other Microsoft Group affiliate, unless this is expressly stated in a separate document executed by a person with sufficient powers to do so. The content shall not be considered to supplement or amend the terms of any existing agreement with Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited, Microsoft NV/SA or any other Microsoft Group affiliate. Furthermore you are reminded that the content is solely based on the limited information provided to us at the time of this communication and it will be subject to possible changes occurring hereafter.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Friends of Microsoft Teams - Week 28 - 2024 (July 8 - July 14)

Hello Friend of Microsoft Teams,

Find below a list of public posts and updates on Microsoft Teams (and Microsoft 365) that have been published in Week 28 of 2024, July 8 – July 14.

Feel free to share with your partners, customers, colleagues, and peers.


What's New in Microsoft Teams (and Microsoft 365):

Field Advisories:




M365 Message Center :



  • Microsoft Teams – new message center posts:


Microsoft Teams Rooms: Enhanced cross-platform meetings via SIP join MC810411 Published Jul 11, 2024

Coming soon: Microsoft Teams Rooms on Windows will be enabled to join meetings like Google Meet, Zoom, Cisco Webex, Amazon Chime, RingCentral, and others from conferencing services that support SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) join.

You’ll experience the look and feel of a Teams Rooms meeting with access to some third-party platform in-meeting controls (depending on the platform being used). Features include up to 1080p video quality, dual screen support, different meeting layouts, and HDMI ingest. This capability requires a SIP calling plan from a Cloud Video Interop (CVI) partner; this plan is currently available through Pexip in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace.

This message applies to Teams Rooms customers with a Pro license.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 400703.

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC): We will begin rolling out late August 2024 and expect to complete by late September 2024

General Availability (GCC High): We will begin rolling out late September 2024 and expect to complete by mid-October 2024


Microsoft Teams Rooms on Windows: A Teams Room can be a Breakout Room participant MC810407 Published Jul 11, 2024

Microsoft Teams Rooms on Windows will soon support Breakout Rooms as a participant. This will allow a Teams Rooms on Windows to be participate in Breakout Rooms if they are used by a meeting organizer. The room can be assigned to any particular Breakout Room and will respect any related settings or actions defined by the organizer, such as automatically being moved into a Breakout Room, permission to return to the main meeting, being reassigned to a different Breakout Room, or receiving announcements from the organizer. This release is applicable to Teams Rooms on Windows.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 95680.

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High): We will begin rolling out late August 2024 and expect to complete by mid-September 2024.

General Availability (GCC): We will begin rolling out mid-September 2024 and expect to complete by early October 2024.

General Availability (GCC High): We will begin rolling out early October 2024 and expect to complete by early November 2024.


Microsoft Teams: New administrative units (AUs) for Teams administration MC810173 Published Jul 10, 2024

Coming soon to Microsoft Teams: New administrative units (AUs) to simplify Teams administration in the Teams admin center. AUs are a way to delegate administration to a subset of users in your organization, based on attributes such as department, location, or business unit along with help of granular role-based access control (RBAC) roles. With the help of AUs, you can create more granular and flexible management scenarios for your Teams environment. This message applies to Teams for Desktop, mobile, and Mac.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 402186.

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out early August 2024 and expect to complete by early September 2024.


Planned Maintenance: Automatic updates for Teams Rooms on Android and Teams Phones impacted by retirement of CNS Service MC810172 Published Jul 10, 2024

To help address the upcoming retirement of CNS Service API support, impacted devices will receive the automatic firmware and Teams app updates. These automatic updates will happen at a faster rate to ensure adherence to the retirement deadline.

Starting: July 10, 2024

Ending: August 15, 2024


Microsoft Teams: New skin tone settings and reactions MC809602 Published Jul 8, 2024

With skin tone settings and reactions in Microsoft Teams, users will be able to set a preferred skin tone for relevant emojis and reactions. Each user can change their own skin tone setting in the Teams app Settings > Appearance and accessibility menu or in the emoji/reaction menu on Desktop or web. The skin tone rollout will apply to emojis and reactions in chats, channels, and meetings on all Teams platforms (Teams for Desktop, Teams for web, Teams for Mac, and Teams Mobile).

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 323766.

Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out early August 2024 and expect to complete by mid-August 2024.

General availability (Worldwide, GCC): We will begin rolling out mid-August 2024 and expect to complete by late August 2024.

General availability (GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out mid-September 2024 and expect to complete by late September 2024.



  • Microsoft Teams – updated message center posts:



(Updated) Microsoft Teams: Change background while recording on phone MC718553 Published Feb 23, 2024

(Updated) Microsoft Teams: Pre-pin meeting apps for users MC748380 Published Mar 20, 2024

(Updated) Microsoft Teams: Personalize group chats with avatars MC717970 Published Feb 20, 2024

(Updated) Microsoft Teams: Apps now supported in group chats with external users MC779844 Published Apr 18, 2024

(Updated) Microsoft Teams: Chat for organizers and presenters in Town Hall MC715693 Published Feb 14, 2024

Teams Rooms on Android and Teams Phones impacted by retirement of legacy notifications infrastructure: UPGRADE REQUIRED!  MC804766 Published Jun 24, 2024



  • Microsoft Viva – new message center posts:



Microsoft Viva Engage: Update on community muting for admins MC809600 Published Jul 8, 2024

Coming soon for Microsoft Viva Engage: The community muting feature for admins is changing. Before this rollout, when admins muted a community, only users who were not members of the community would no longer see conversations from this community appear in their Home Feed, weekly discovery email, or daily digest email.

After this rollout, members who were dynamically added into the community (as part of a Dynamic Group) will also no longer see conversations appear in their Home feed, weekly discovery email, or daily digest emails. Other users who have voluntarily joined the community will continue to see conversations appear normally in their Home Feed and digest emails as before.

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out mid-July 2024 and expect to complete by mid-July 2024.


Microsoft Viva: Import navigational links from Microsoft SharePoint into Resources in Viva Connections MC809597 Published Jul 8, 2024

oming soon for Microsoft Viva Connections on desktop: Users with editing permissions will be able to import SharePoint links from their home site navigation and global navigation directly into the Resources section of Viva Connections. Users with editing permissions will be able to preview their updates in Resources before saving them.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 397890.

Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out early July 2024 and expect to complete by mid-July 2024.

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out mid-July 2024 and expect to complete by mid-July 2024.


Microsoft Viva: Choose custom images as icons for resources in Viva Connections MC809596 Published Jul 8, 2024

Coming soon to Microsoft Viva Connections: Users with editing permissions will be able to personalize Viva Connections by adding custom images as icons to links in the Resources section.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 402188.

Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out early July 2024 and expect to complete by mid-July 2024.

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out mid-July 2024 and expect to complete by mid-July 2024.



  • Microsoft Viva – updated message center posts:



(Updated) Microsoft Viva Learning: Learner Completion Record bulk export MC806522 Published Jun 28, 2024

(Updated) Microsoft Viva: Connections now available on the web MC791877 Published May 11, 2024

(Updated) Microsoft Viva Engage and Microsoft Yammer: update on web domain migration release date MC713420 Published Feb 7, 2024


For the latest information/updates you can always check these resources :



Disclaimer :

If others are interested to receive these “Friends of” messages directly from me, they can always share their contact details with me.

Or if you/they no longer want to receive these “Friends of” emails, just reply per email and I will remove you from this “Friends of” DL


Kind Regards/Vriendelijke groeten/Med vänlig hälsning/Salutations,

Mattias Kressmark

Disclaimer :

The content of this communication and its attachments (if any) is for general information purposes only and does not under any circumstance constitute a binding offer or acceptance of Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited, Microsoft NV/SA or any other Microsoft Group affiliate, unless this is expressly stated in a separate document executed by a person with sufficient powers to do so. The content shall not be considered to supplement or amend the terms of any existing agreement with Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited, Microsoft NV/SA or any other Microsoft Group affiliate. Furthermore you are reminded that the content is solely based on the limited information provided to us at the time of this communication and it will be subject to possible changes occurring hereafter.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Friends of Microsoft Teams - Week 27 - 2024 (July 1 - July 7)

Hello Friend of Microsoft Teams,

Find below a list of public posts and updates on Microsoft Teams (and Microsoft 365) that have been published in Week 27 of 2024, July  1 – July 7.

Feel free to share with your partners, customers, colleagues, and peers.


What's New in Microsoft Teams (and Microsoft 365):

  • n/a

Field Advisories:



M365 Message Center :



  • Microsoft Teams – new message center posts:


Microsoft Teams: Proximity Join via ultrasound MC808162 Published Jul 3, 2024

Microsoft Teams Rooms on Microsoft Windows will soon support Proximity Join via ultrasound. It will be an alternative to using Bluetooth or QR codes and typically will not penetrate walls, therefore improving the quality of detected rooms by personal devices. This release will be rolling out to Microsoft Teams Desktop (Windows and MacOS) for receivers and to select Microsoft Teams Rooms on Windows.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 380681

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out late August 2024 and expect to complete by mid-September 2024.

General Availability (GCC): We will begin rolling out mid-September 2024 and expect to complete by early October 2024.

General Availability (GCC High): We will begin rolling out early October 2024 and expect to complete by early November 2024.


Microsoft Teams: Policy to disable some in-product messages MC808161 Published Jul 3, 2024

Some in-product messages in Microsoft Teams can now be controlled with the New-CsTeamsUpdateManagementPolicy command. Using this new feature, tenant admins can limit in-product messages relating to periodic "What's New" updates and in-person training opportunities.

General Availability (Worldwide): This policy update is available now.


Microsoft Teams: Office 365 Connectors feature retires starting August 15, 2024 MC808160 Published Jul 3, 2024

We will be retiring the Microsoft Office 365 connectors feature in Microsoft Teams starting August 15, 2024, and ending January 1, 2025. For similar functionality, we recommend using the Workflows app in Microsoft Teams, where we will continue to invest our development resources. As we strive for continuous improvement, the shift toward Power Automate workflows represents our commitment to providing scalable, flexible, and secure solutions. Power Automate workflows not only offer enhanced capabilities but also ensure that your integrations are built on a platform that can grow with your business needs.

We will gradually roll out this change in two phases:

  • Effective August 15, 2024: All new connector creation will be blocked in all clouds.
  • Effective October 1, 2024: All existing connectors in all clouds will stop working.


Microsoft Teams: Automatic location updates on bookable desks MC808158 Published Jul 3, 2024

Before this rollout, users can indicate in Microsoft Teams if they are in office or remote by manually setting their location by selecting their profile photo at the top right of Teams. With this rollout, we are introducing automatic location updates on bookable desks to make it easier for users to keep their work location up to date and connect with others in the office.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 401118.

General availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out early August 2024 and expect to complete by late August 2024.


Microsoft Teams: Lobby experience for external presenters in town hall and webinar MC807463 Published Jul 1, 2024

In Microsoft Teams, town hall and webinar currently support the ability for an external user outside the organization to present in an event. External presenters can be guests who are federated, unfederated, or anonymous to the organization.

With this update, if a federated or unfederated guest has not been successfully authenticated, the guest will be brought into the lobby rather than being restricted access when joining the event. Once in the lobby, an internal organizer or presenter has the option to approve or deny the guest's request to join the event.

Additional notes:

  • It is recommended to keep the lobby enabled for your event if you intend to invite external presenters.
  • An external presenter that is successfully authenticated will be brought into the event automatically without waiting in the lobby.

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC): We will begin rolling out in early July 2024 and expect to complete by mid-July 2024.


  • Microsoft Teams – updated message center posts:



(Updated) Microsoft Teams: Shorter meeting URLs MC772556 Published Apr 8, 2024

(Updated) Microsoft Teams: Meeting details displayed on pre-join screen MC746322 Published Mar 19, 2024

(Updated) Optimize for Video setting for screensharing MC715695 Published Feb 14, 2024

Organizers can select up to six languages for attendees to choose from for live translated captions during a town hall MC705765 Published Jan 10, 2024

(Updated) Teams admin center: App centric management and changes to app permission policies MC688930 Published Nov 11, 2023

(Updated) Microsoft Teams: In-meeting Error Messaging MC683928 Published Oct 25, 2023

(Updated) Microsoft Teams: Introducing slash commands in the compose box MC785024 Published Apr 24, 2024

(Updated) Microsoft Teams: New Cross-location shifts in the Shifts app MC800503 Published Jun 10, 2024


  • Microsoft Viva – new message center posts:




  • Microsoft Viva – updated message center posts:


(Updated) Microsoft Viva Amplify: Access to most recent templates MC805198 Published Jun 25, 2024


For the latest information/updates you can always check these resources :



Disclaimer :

If others are interested to receive these “Friends of” messages directly from me, they can always share their contact details with me.

Or if you/they no longer want to receive these “Friends of” emails, just reply per email and I will remove you from this “Friends of” DL


Kind Regards/Vriendelijke groeten/Med vänlig hälsning/Salutations,

Mattias Kressmark

Disclaimer :

The content of this communication and its attachments (if any) is for general information purposes only and does not under any circumstance constitute a binding offer or acceptance of Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited, Microsoft NV/SA or any other Microsoft Group affiliate, unless this is expressly stated in a separate document executed by a person with sufficient powers to do so. The content shall not be considered to supplement or amend the terms of any existing agreement with Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited, Microsoft NV/SA or any other Microsoft Group affiliate. Furthermore you are reminded that the content is solely based on the limited information provided to us at the time of this communication and it will be subject to possible changes occurring hereafter.