
Monday, November 11, 2019

Ignite 2019 - THR2069 - Microsoft Teams: Real-world tips for success

Presented by: Tom Arbuthnot from Modality Systems

Session summary:
Based on real-world experience, these tips ensure your success with Microsoft Teams. From business transformation to technical tips, come to this session to learn the top considerations when deploying Microsoft Teams.

My Notes:

Plan your journey in multiple phases. "Collaboration" is good but might not unlock the budget needed to run a Teams project, find other business drivers.

Understand the (Coexistence) modes that can be set on a user basis.
  • Islands mode - is both good and bad in the way that you get all functionality, but have SfB side-by-side (which application should we use for feature x?) Islands mode should not be seen as a permanent stage, have a plan on how to get to Teams Only before you send users to the Island.
  • Collaboration mode - get the "Teams" functionality out of Microsoft Teams.
  • Skype for Business with Teams Collaboration and meetings - good for letting the users get the benefit of Teams meetings using improved codecs and cloud recording.
  • Meetings First - only meetings but not the collaboration part, scheduling from Outlook will give Teams meetings and the Meeting Migration Service will convert all SfB meetings to Teams meetings.
  • Teams Only - This is where you want to be. Required for telephony functions. It is still possible to join SfB meetings with the "minimized"/stripped SfB client.

Set business goals for your Teams implementation, get an executive sponsor.
Support the cultural change that comes with Teams - sell the benefits.
Governance - important, not exciting. Consider lifecycle management, guest access and document the approach.
Measure success - use the Office 365 reporting and gather feedback.

A Teams project will never be "done". Microsoft Teams will keep evolving adding new features, the organization will evolve and change business processes, new users will be added. Assign a service owner to handle this.

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